Monday, December 29, 2014

Back at it again!

Today's Weight: 166.4

Started the Carbohydrate addicts diet yesterday! Its really been the most successful diet for me (I did it when I was 16 and again as an adult) My biggest issue with it is that I have an egg sensitivity but so far I'm ok this time.

Yesterday I ate:
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with onions and cheese, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and some cucumbers (which tasted off so I did not finish them)

Lunch: I baked Pollak and ate it with pan seared zucchini and a salad.

For my reward dinner (which has a 60min time limit)  I really went nuts: Fettuccine alfredo, icecream in milk, chocolate and soup and a salad.

This morning I had Cauliflower pancakes and cucumbers.

I'm hungry now (even though I ate my breakfast only about 2hrs ago) I'm going to try and wait at least an hour before I have my lunch: Turkey cutlet on a salad.

Dinner is supposed to be Mashed potatoes and meatballs but till its actually made its up in the air. I also want to make a treat b/c well I can have one!

Exercising: I did day 2 of the ab challenge

and 40 minutes of onlin cardio (with my kids) they wanted to keep going! 

so great day so far! 


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 2 (still going strong)

So today I was worried about b/c of volunteering with the horses and riding but I did GREAT!!!!!
For breakfast I had a protein drink with 1/2 a banana in it (yum yum) but by the time lunch came around I was starving! so I think I need to eat something else with the drink in the morning or eat a mid morning snack. For lunch I had another Chummus and salad sandwich and had the same for a snack a couple hours later b/c once again I was starving. I got home around 10:15pm and made myself Cauliflower Mac and Cheese (made up the recipe) I ate that with 1C of salad. I also had some juice for a snack later. I hit all my nutrition goals today except I am behind in protein by 2g (big deal! by the way I had a couple pieces of shredded cheese that I did not count so that probably makes up for the lack of 2g) I am supposed to eat between 1200-1550 calories and today I stayed low (1,237!) I'm so proud of myself. For excersize today I took a riding lesson, my instructor Olivia worked me hard and I feel GREAT! just wish my legs were stronger already (I'd taken along time off from riding so I'm just getting back into it!) My sleep goal which I did not write about is to be in bed by 11pm went out the window tonight b/c its already 12:41am but there is always tomorrow for that!

It really amazes me how much better I feel physically and mentally now that I'm taking care of myself again! I am very tired but that could be because of the hour ride and the time LOL so I'm signing off for now! Gnight everyone!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Starting Over and Starting Strong

OK so after all this starting and stopping (more stopping then starting) I'm starting all over. I am up to 169.6 weight wise which stinks :( but I'm off to a GREAT start.

I had a really great day: For breakfast I had 2 egg whites (My mother who is learning about eating healthy said that egg yolks contain lots of fat and I'm trying to keep my fat content to 30% of my diet) 1/2 C cottage cheese, once slice of whole grain bread, and half a red pepper. The best part about breakfast was that the kids ate better! I put the 2 egg yolks in with the kids eggs b/c they need the extra fat!

After I put the kids down for their naps I did a 10min cardio kickboxing video on spark ppl.

For lunch I had a Chumus sandwhich with 2 slices of whole grain bread, 1/2 Cup of salad and 2Tablespoons of  chummus. Although I was worried about what it would taste like I actually really enjoyed it!

After the kids ate lunch I took them to the park, Amazing Kids Way, which is alittle over a mile from my house each direction. I walked a slow mile (25min there 35min back) but I'm very pleased with myself and the kids had a blast

Dinner was not as healthy but I did stay within my calorie, fat, carb and protien goals for the day. I made chicken and ate 3 thighs! also 1C brown rice and gravy from the chicken aswell as veggies that cooked under the chicken. Dinner needs some work but all in all I'm very proud of myself!

For snack I had 1 apple and 1 cup of berry juice!

Tomorrow should be good, Avi picked up my protein mix from the store so I'm having a protein shake for breakfast with bananas YUMMY!

Lunch I'll prob have the same as today it was soooo good. I'll need to figure out a snack though to take to the barn with me I GET TO GO HORSEBACK RIDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No idea what I'll have for dinner probably Mac and Cheese since I'll be home so late :( I know its a terrible dinner but whats a girl to do?

I am not being realistic with my weight loss goals b/c I really want to see 3-5pounds gone by the end of the week but I realize that would not be healthy so if I loose 2 I'll be thrilled. I guess at the rate of 1-2 pounds a week it will take along time to reach my goals but at least I'll be more healthy right?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So Far So not good

Well having a lousy week of it! so far I've not kept to any of my goals except riding tonight. I've been eating lousaly. I dont know why my menu did not workout except that I did not get to the store to buy the stuff. In general I'm not having a great week from the standpoint of organization. there are tons of dish's in the sink among other things that need done! But tomorrow is a new day, hopefully I'll not be as tired tomorrow.

need to get on the scale tomorrow......... UGH guessing this is not goign to be pretty!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

This weeks menu

Ok so I've made my menu for the week. My hope is that with a plan of action I wont be racing around at the last minute STARVING and grabbing whatever I see. This menu is pretty simple so I should not get to overwhelmed by it (here is hoping!) Now I better go make my tuna and eat b/c I'm STARVING!!!!!! I'm so scared to step on the scale b/c of yom tov! I think I'm going to give it a couple days :D

Breakfast: Smoothy
Lunch: Tuna Salad on Rice Cake
Dinner: Chicken Soup, Chicken stirfry over brown rice with a Salad to start

Breakfast: Smoothy
Lunch: Tofu Stirfry with a baked sweet potato
Dinner: Salad, Veggie Soup, Veggie Lasagna

Breakfast: Smoothy
Lunch: Bowl of Veggie Soup, Cheese and W.W Snackers
Dinner: Salad, Chicken W/Rice

Breakfast: Smoothy
Lunch: Salad and Lasagna
Dinner: Salad, Vegetarian Black Bean Burgers with sour Cream, Salsa on a bun
Pampered chef its good for you page 52

Breakfast: Smoothy
Lunch: Veggie Soup, Cheese and W.W Snackers
Dinner: Salad Beef Tamale Bake
Page 75 PC its good for you

Breakfast: Smoothy
Lunch: Salad and Lasagna
Dinner: Shabbos Foods

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Motzie Yom Tov

OK so the holiday is now over! End of food fest!! well tonight I pigged out but tomorrow I'm on my way to my goals! So my first plan of action is making a menu for the week:
Breakfast each day will be a smoothy, Milk (low fat) Spirutien, and fruit if I have any (I think I've got strawberrys left from yom tov I want to freeze some YUM!)

My big goal for this week is to eat a Salad at the start of dinner each night
Tomorrow I need to write out a menu for the week. My second goal for this week is to add another exercise day to my schedual, my plan is for it to be Thursdays, after the kids nap I will pack them up and put them in the car drive to the zoo and do a 30min brisk walk that I hope to turn into a run then let the kids visit with some of the animals before we head home!

OK thats it for this entry as its 12:25am and I'm zonked! but keep an eye out for great stuff this week! I want that cruise!!!!!!! (donations still being excepted!)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

And once again we restart

OK so in the past I've not done so well with this but this time I'm going to do it!!!

I'm working on weight loss rewards right now and this is what I came up with so far. I'm very excited about the ultimate goal!!!! CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK so at least we all know I'm motivated this time!

So here are the goals:
I need to loose 25+ Pounds I think its really 28 right now

The next reward is for hitting 150pounds and that will be a Lipstick (for under $30)
when I hit the 145pound mark I get a choker valued under $45

I still need to come up with rewards for hitting the 140 and 135 goals

ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE POUNDS 135 thats the goal weight. I have not weighed that for so so many years I cant wait to get down to that! Oh and for the grand reward when Avi (my husband) and I both hit our goal weights and maintain it for 1 month we are hoping to go on a cruise (if we can afford it DONATIONS EXCEPTED :D )

So I'm not going to crazy with the weight loss this week with Succos but will be full swing dieting starting next week. For this week my goal is to drink 6-8 Cups of water a day and start doing 5 push-ups and 5 sit-ups daily. I'm also riding once a week right now which is awesome. I need to add another exercise day to my routine I think I'm going to add Thursday walks that will turn into thursday runs (anyone want to join me Thursday afternoons?)

OK its late at night over hear so I really need to sign off for now. Whoever wants to join me in my weight loss feel free to add your goals and rewards below so I can cheer you on!
Till Next Time